Floral prints- How to wear them?

Floral prints are one of the hottest trends this spring. The seasonal favorite is back with a bang on the ramp and is important for all of us to embrace this trend in our wardrobes.


Follow our expert’s advice on how to embrace this trend for a more feminine look.

small floral print dress
Tip #1
– Choose a print that suits your taste

With a wide variety of floral prints available, the first thing to do is to choose the print that suits your personality and body type. Floral prints range from small and delicate to big and bold. Floral embellishments also carry a different personality and character when included in a dress or top.

Big floral printsIf you want to go easy with the trend, choose small and miniature floral designs for a simple and sophisticated look. This black floral print dress is great to wear for a casual day at office. Team it up with a pair of heels and you are good to go.

For people who can carry it off well, choose large flowers in bright colors to support the trend. This sleeveless floral print dress is a perfect evening dress this spring. Style it up with a beaded necklace and colored heels for a complete look. It goes well with people with a slim or pear shaped body.



floral print with jeans


Tip #2 Similar color tone

Floral prints come in a variety of color tones so it is easier for you to choose one of the colors therein to match the look. You can choose one or two tones of the colors used for a more cohesive look. Pair up this floral top looks great with orange color denims for a perfect chic look.




floral print handbag

floral heels

Tip #3 Accessorize with the trend

Well if you are not a floral print person, a great way to support the trend is through accessories.

Bagsshoesscarves (wear it over a plain top for a brighter look), ring

floral print + neutral

Tip #4 Go neutral

Well if you aren’t quite sure of what to pair up with your floral prints you can always opt in for the neutral shades like black, white, gray, ivory, beige to team it up with.

This floral print blouse looks great when teamed up with skinny fit gray jeans. A simple yet sophisticated look.



Carlton-London-Yellow-Sandals-4835-517451-1-productTip #5 Heels and wedges

Team up your floral prints with colorful heels and wedges for a more feminine look.





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